biodigester mason

Request for Expression of Interest: Bio-digester repair assessment work

The Kenya Biogas Program (KBP) a National Implementing Agency for the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme, requests for Expressions of Interest (EoIs) from quality service providers to provide repair and maintenance of bio-digesters in Kiambu County.

Out of 3454 bio-digester installations, 447 are currently not functioning for technical and/or operational reasons. KBP wants to have all non-functional bio-digesters in Kiambu assessed in such detail that subsequent repair and maintenance work can be tendered.

The KBP is requesting proposals from eligible parties for the assessment of bio-digesters in one or more clusters.

Eligibility criteria

  • Existing Quality Service Providers (QSPs) as deployed by KBP in the past;
  • Biogas professionals with proven qualifications (attach relevant documents including training and professional certificates including referees), and operational experience working with small-scale AD systems including but not limited to:
    •  Knowledge of O & M procedures.
    • Troubleshooting/diagnosis skills.
    • Design knowledge of the AD models in the sector (candidate must disclose which models they are familiar with).
    • Bio-slurry use and management.
  • Mandatory attendance of the pre-bid meeting;
  • Must declare no conflict of interest;
  • Must not have pending litigation cases.

Scope of work

  • Informing the household of the assessment visit, followed by a physical site visit;
  • Full diagnostic assessment of the bio-digester, piping, appliances and other accessories;
  • Detailed description of the scope of repair work and a priced Bill of Quantities (BoQs);
  • Detailed report of the assessment exercise;
  • Minor or on-spot repair works if any;
  • Taking GPS location of the assessed bio-digesters.

The repair assessments are expected to be completed within one month of allocation of the bids


KBP clustered the assessment work in 26 lots of average 17 households. Parties may tender on one or more lots.

Quality assurance

KBP reserves the right to sample-check assessment work

Bidding documents

The 26 assessment lots are provided as Annex 1 to this document which you can download below. Detailed information will be made available upon allocation of the lots.

Kiambu RMT assess tender

Download File – 534 KB

Pre-bidding meeting

KBP will organize a pre-bidding meeting at KBP offices, Nairobi on Monday the 19th of March, from 11:00 to 13:00 hrs.


Bids shall reach the KBP before Monday the 26th of March 2018, 17:00 hrs, by mail (sealed envelope) or email:

Bid Evaluation

All bids will be evaluated by KBP’s bid-evaluation committee. The committee retains all rights to award bids to the best of the programme’s interest.

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