biodigester mason

Terms Of Reference For Consultancy To Conduct Data Verification And Reissuance Of Certificates To VPA6 Households

1. Introduction and background
Biogas digesters allow the production of sustainable fuel from organic waste through anaerobic digestion. The biogas can be used as a clean source of cooking fuel while the slurry from the digester is a very good fertiliser.
The Africa Biogas Partnership Programme (ABPP) is a partnership between Hivos and SNV in supporting national programmes on domestic biogas in five African countries. The Programme aims at constructing 100,000 biogas digesters in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burkina Faso providing about half a million people access to a sustainable source of energy by the year 2019.The overall objective of the ABPP is to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through sustained construction of domestic biogas digesters as a local, sustainable energy source. This will be fulfilled through development of a commercially viable and market-oriented biogas sector.
The Programme is financially supported by the Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SNV – Netherlands Development Organisation. Hivos carries out the role of fund and programme manager, operating from Nairobi. SNV provides capacity building services in the five countries and takes responsibility for knowledge management at the international level.The Kenya Biogas Program (KBP) is the lead entity implementing the Africa Biogas Partnership Program (in Kenya). KBP envisions a commercially viable domestic biogas sector that would contribute towards food security, clean/sustainable use of energy and environmental conservation.

The Kenya Biogas Program (KBP) envisions all Kenyan households accessing and utilizing green energy for their homes and green fertilizer for their farm. The program started rolling out bio-digester technology in Kenya in 2009, with over 16,000 bio-digesters installed across the country between 2009 and 2015. KBP aims to achieve installations of over 10,000 more bio-digesters by 2019, to scale affordable clean energy for domestic use and bio-slurry fertilizer for increased agricultural productivity.

KBP is seeking assistance to undertake the task of reissuance of certificates dubbed “re-contracting” and data collection in order to meet its data quality requirements, fill in any missing data required to calculate and monitor emission reductions by African Biogas Carbon Programme (ABC) – Kenya –VPA6 (for digesters installed since October 23rd 2015 to date) and compile the report. A total of 2600 households (HH) are targeted under this task.

2. Objectives
The objectives of the assignment is to verify data quality and fill in any gaps that are required to
fulfil carbon monitoring survey requirements as stipulated by the Gold Standard for successful
monitoring and verification of the emission reductions accumulated under KBP activities

3. Eligibility Criteria
The ideal candidate should have the following qualifications and experience,
a) Entities or individuals with demonstrable working experience and engagement with biogas stakeholders and clear understanding of the operational environment and context
b) Biogas professionals or entities with proven qualifications (attach relevant documents including training and professional certificates including referees), and operational experience working with small-scale AD systems including but not limited to;
o Knowledge of O & M procedures
o Troubleshooting/diagnosis skills
o Design knowledge of the AD models in the sector (candidate must disclose which models they are familiar with)
o Bio-slurry use and management
c) Proven experience in carrying out research and survey with teams
d) Assessment, analytical, statistical and planning skills
e) Strong and effective stakeholder engagement/mobilisation and management skills
f) Must declare no conflict of interest
g) Must not have pending litigation cases
4. Scope of Work
The consultant will conduct the following tasks:
a) Desk review-After awarding the contract, the consultant will start with a desk review of
database in consultation with KBP
b) Preparations for data collection-The consultant will select a field survey team and
conduct an intensive training for all team members clustered in regions. The consultant
shall establish a procedure to control reliability of data collected in the field.
c) Data collection -The consultant, with his team will fill in all missing data in the database
through physical verification of the households.
d) Re-contracting through issuance of Certificate of Warranty for all visited households
Certificates of warranty shall be given to all households visited. The consultant shall ensure the certificates are all signed by the households, and the copies remaining are submitted to KBP. The complete checklist is as tabulated below;

Please download the document attached below for more details

Terms Of Reference For Consultancy To Conduct Data Verification And Reissuance Of Certificates To VPA6 Households

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