Bioslurry Generating Income for the Youth in Nyeri County

Aug, 18, 17

Mr. Charles Ndirangu lives in Hiriga Village, Nyeri County. He started using a biodigester in 2010. By then, he was driven to install a biodigester..

Bioslurry Increases Coffee Yields by 30% in one season in Murang’a County

Jul, 31, 17

Increasing coffee yields and enhancing quality per plant is crucial to any coffee producer as it translates into more income. The drive for higher returns..

Bioslurry for Commercial Vegetables and improved fodder in Nyeri

Jul, 31, 17

Solomon Mutahi Maina is a young farmer in Nyeri county, Mukurweini sub county Gatura village. He is a coffee farmer, a dairy farmer and he..

Bioslurry Improves Coffee yields in Embu

Jul, 31, 17

The coffee sector in Kenya employs around six million people directly or indirectly. Kenya is the African powerhouse of the coffee world in East Africa..

What is Bioslurry?

Jul, 31, 17

Bioslurry is the liquid discharged at the biodigester outlet after gas has been tapped for energy. The biodigesters are fed daily with a mixture of..

Bioslurry Paying School Fees in Trans Nzoia County

Jul, 27, 17

Mrs .Teresia Maina is one of the successful farmers from in Waitaluk location in TransNzoia county, she installed a biodigester in 2014. Just like most..

Bioslurry rehabilitating Coffee in Machakos County

Jul, 27, 17

Kenya is a leading global exporter of premium Arabica coffee. The coffee industry remains a very crucial sector to the Kenyan economy, it is the..

Bio-slurry increases farm productivity

May, 23, 17

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